Libeskind was put to the test on this massive project that we have seen come to life before our eyes in New York. I read that they immediately began planning the rebuild after the attack, and he was handed the wheel in late 2002. I have read and seen so many videos on this project, but I never knew this name before finding him at #47 on my list. This project had so much though put into it because of the horrific scenes the lot has faced. I think the designers and planners did a hell of a job. My favorite part, is the fountains that form the shapes of the old twin towers. The faces of the fountains were etched with every single persons name, who unfortunately lost their lives on the day 9/11. Learning the difficulties was interesting as well. The plots of land where these places sit are on man made shorelines. So the slurry walls beneath, along with very well engineered steel forms are what hold these massive places up.

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