Willis tower

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Willis Tower, formerly known as Sears Tower, is a skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois. Willis tower is a 3 million-square-foot, 110-floor tower built in the 1970s. This Chicago skyscraper held the title for 25 years for tallest building in the world, now it is the second tallest building in the Western Hemisphere standing at 1,706 ft. Willis Tower is known to have inspired and laid the foundation for extremely tall architectural structures as it has been surpassed by several towers around the world. It was originally built to sustain 350,000 employees for Sears Roebuck and Company, the world’s largest retailer at the time. Willis Tower is now home to the famous Sky Deck Ledge where tourists and visitors can take pictures on a level with 360 windows and a glass ledge.

The first time I encountered Willis Tour was on a trip with my four best friends and our moms for a dance competition in Chicago. There were so many things on our list to do such as visiting the Joffrey Ballet, eating at famous restaurants, and riding the elevator up 1,000 floors to the Sky Deck at Willis Tower. Standing on the glass ledge, gazing down the streets of Chicago was a thrilling feeling. Here is a picture of me and my sister on top of the Willis Tower!

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