Williams Center(BOK TOWER) Tulsa OK

In the 80’s the energy giant, Williams Corportation, set out to have one of the first sky scrapers in Tulsa, OK. Standing at 52 stories and over 660ft tall, it is was at one time the tallest building in Oklahoma. It was designed by famous architect Minoru Yamasaki, who also designed the infamous World Trade Center towers.

Williams Center – BOK Tower – Tulsa Office Space – Brokerage, Tenant  Representation & Transaction Services by TulsaProperties.com LLC

Growing up I had a unique relationship with this building because it looked so much like the World Trade center it frightened me, also because my grandmother worked there and I did not want anything bad to happen to her. I felt like I grew up with the building including in 2006 when it under went renovations like an ice skating rink, restaurants and a movie theater. Those additions made this building more than just a boring place that I knew from my childhood.

Throwback Tulsa: The Forum tried to lure people downtown with ice rink,  theater, shops | History | tulsaworld.com
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