Whitney Musuem of american Art by Renzo piano

The Whitney Museum of American Art has been established in the city of New York since 1931. However, Renzo Piano was not the lead architect for it. In 2010, he was given the chance to lead a new museum building. In 2015, the construction was finished at the intersection of Gansevoort and Washington streets in New York. The new building is more open and expansive compared to the previous older ones.

The museum displays paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, installation art, video and photography. The collections of art numbers over 25,000 works of more than 3500 artists. These art pieces takes up an large chunk of the 200,000 square feet space that the building hosts over a span of 8 floors. Due to all of his works in New York, Renzo Piano has been instrumental in changing the New York’s skyline over the years.

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