Washington township high school

High school contains so many memories that it is hard to actually breakdown which are the most valuable. Dozens of lessons that involve your friends, academics, and just figuring out what you want to do in your life. When I think of this school I remember all the good times I had with my friends. Specifically my senior year as we were all getting ready to go to college, and couldn’t wait to get away from our hometown. It’s very true that you don’t realize how special high school was until you are out of it. Getting to see your friends everyday, and the work load doesn’t even compare to college. This school helped shape my life into who I am today. If I had to narrow down my favorite experiences it would include prom, Friday night football games, and lastly our senior trip. It’s bittersweet to think about because you don’t necessarily want to go back, and you also want to relive some of your favorite moments just one more time.

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