Walker Tower

Walker tower in Norman, Oklahoma. One of 3 residence halls built in the 60s to house students at the University of Oklahoma.

The residence halls at the University of Oklahoma are often seen as one of the worst times in some student’s lives after moving out of the dormitories. I look back on my time in the dorms as one of the most fun times I had on campus. My roommate and I were both the same major so we had a lot of classes together which made studying and homework much easier. Everyone on our floor all became friends to the point that no one locked their doors and every night was a social event between the entire floor. From studying to going out to the restaurants around Norman there was never a time that people were alone. I would love to go back and have one more week of everyone on the floor living together again and getting to do all the crazy things we did in the dorms freshman year. I will always remember Walker 740W and hope that there are others like me who actually made the best of an old run down building.

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