Walker center

This building is the Walker Center, a dormitory building on campus, and it is also the building that impressed me the most on Campus. This building was where I lived when I first arrived at OU, and it was also the first time I lived in the United States. It has a lot of positive effects on me, and it also leaves me with many memories. Here I met my roommates, they are all very friendly people. My friend and I will review the exam together in the study room in the Walker Center. We also go to the shop on the first floor to buy some snacks to share with each other. There is also a laundry room in the basement, and there is a place to print things on the first floor. It is no exaggeration to say that Walker Center has almost everything I need. It is very convenient and all kinds of facilities are also very good. Whenever I go back to the dormitory after school, I feel a sense of relaxation like when I get home. The reason why I like this building is first, it makes me feel at home, and secondly, it has many memories from when I first came to OU. Finally, it is indeed a multi-functional building, and it is very close to the gym or the restaurant, which is very convenient for us.

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