Vintage Park

Vintage Park was one of the first places I visited when my family and I moved to Houston, Texas. I’ve always loved the contemporary and complex design of the high-end shops and restaurants when my sister and I would walk around and explore the Italian-themed shops. I especially loved going there when it was sunny and warm out as I’ll sip on iced teas and become mesmerized at the Mediterranean architecture with its stone columns and clay tile roofs. There are palm trees and stone fountains studded everywhere at the lifestyle shopping center and it gives the complex buildings a vibrant look that sometimes remind me of Florida beaches. The park is about 324,000 square feet of ground space and then 24,000 square feet in second story space and the area is actually still developing so there is always more to explore. I would bring my friends here to hangout because it’s such a beautiful place to take pictures and we would dine at some of the best restaurants there and just have a great time. This is one of the places that I would highly recommend anyone who’s visiting in the Houston area because of its beautiful architecture and stirring entertainment. 

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