Vail Middle school

Stephen Vail Middle School in Middletown, OH built int 1923.

This building influenced me in a very positive way. I went to school here for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades between the years of 2006-2009. My dad also went to this same school when it was the Middletown High school. It is a gigantic building with the most ornate detailing inside, especially in the auditorium, and I was completely awestruck the first few times I walked through the front doors. There was gold trim and Tiffany chandeliers throughout the school. I met some of my very best friends at this school that I am still in touch with today. I also have some of my best childhood memories at this building after school hours, hanging out with my teammates before volleyball practice. This building was torn down just a few years ago, so now every time I go home I feel sad driving by the big empty lot. It harbored a wonderful atmosphere.

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