US Capitol Building – Washington dc

The US Capitol Building was constructed in the year 1800 in Washington DC. The building is one of the most important and historic buildings in our country, and has been in service for all but five years, after it was damaged in the buring of Washington DC in the year 1814. The building is pearly white, and looks like a palace equipped with a massive staircase, large pillars and a massive dome covering the building. While the building is beautiful to look at from the outside, the main draw for me is the inside. The inside itself is very nice, as you can see incredible paintings and statues all over, but the main draw is the feeling you get when you are inside. Knowing that you are in the same building where the house and senate make all of the laws for our country, knowing all the siginificant people that have worked inside the building, and knowing all of the historic and world altering events and decisions that have happened in the building, it is impossible not to feel like you are surrounded by history. I loved how special the building felt, and just how important everything in the building was. I had the luxury of visiting the Capitol with someone who worked there, so I was able to access some of the areas that the average person would not be able to see. Touring the Capitol made it my favorite building in Washington DC, which is one of my favorite cities I have ever been to from an architectural standpoint. I think every American citizen should visit the Capitol to really feel our nations history.

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