torre agbar – Jean Nouvel

Torre Agbar- Jean Nouvel 

The Torre Agbar located in Barcelona, Spain is one of Jean Nouvel’s well designed buildings. I really like how it is standing tall in the middle of a Calm city. It draws attention to its vibrant colors when it lights up in the night sky. Not to mention, this tower has an oval and circular shape to it, just like a rocket ship! There are not many buildings shaped like this, which gives the building more purpose! It is one of the new symbols of Barcelona. Nouvels tower design of the outer curtain wall is “clad in different-coloured glass louvers which can be tilted at different angles”. Allowing the tower to have a saturated color effect. The shape of Torre Agbar was inspired by Montserrat, which is a mountain near Barcelona. The design allowed the building to have over 4,500 window openings as well as 4,500 LED luminous devices which allows it to form images on the tower shown below.

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