TIANJIN BINHAI LIBRARY, api.mvrdv.boerdamdns.nl/media/uploads/project/246/000.jpg?width=1920.

The Tianjin Binhai Library is another fascinating design by the MVRDV in accompany with the Tiajin urban planning group. This library is one of a kind in many ways. For one the massive globe in the center of the building is the stand out it all. With a sky roof beaming down light at the globe, it illuminates the room and creates an amazing centerpiece. The rounded architecture of the structure seems to be molded around the ball almost as if you were standing in the middle of a gyroscope.

To me this building is a representation of future of architecture. I feel this way about a lot of non american architecture recently as I think there is more progressing overseas. The buildings put out by MVRDV often fit this new age criteria, or futuristic style as I like to call it. This sort of futuristic style, gives me hope for our future as a world. That we can progress as a society rather than stagnating in our ways. Would love to visit this building sometime in the future.

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