Thermal Bath Vals – Peter Zumthor

Constructed in 1996 from the remnants of a cheaply built and defuct hotel in Switzerland, Zumthor was able to turn the land into a stunning thermal bath house. The design creates a thermal bath from the nearby mountain which stays steady at a nice 86 degrees. This bath house is low to the ground and has concrete rooms that are centered around the main bath. The bath house has been a huge attraction, and has brought much more people to the town. Sitting in hot spring water being able to look up at a beautiful mountain perfectly explains why the building would be so popular, and I think this is my favorite location out of all of Zumthor’s buildings, even if it is not the most interesting design. It is impressive how Zumthor was able to take a run down hotel and make use of his surroundings to create a widely popular attraction.

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