The Western Wall

The Western Wall also known as The Kotel is located in Jerusalem, Israel. The Western Wall is over 2,000 years old and is known as one of the holiest places that Jews can pray at. Having been there three times , its significance increased in my eyes as I grew older. The experience is a bit overwhelming as you see hundreds, even thousands of people praying along the wall, with the men and women divided into two sections. It’s astounding to see the magnitude of the wall and to see everybody overcome with emotions from crying, to laughing, to being memorized by the experience. Being able to write a note and place it in the cracks of the wall meant a lot to me and my family because it was a spiritual moment that not everybody gets to experience in their lifetime. One of my favorite memories of visiting the wall was getting to go on a tour of the tunnels under the wall. I was able to see the different excavation sites and the raw framework of what was holding everything up . Visiting the Western Wall is definitely something I plan to do again in my future.

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