The Prairie House

When first buying the lot on which my parents would build my childhood home, it was in the middle of nowhere to the extent that there weren’t any real roads. Just to get to the lot, my parents had to transfer onto a truck that would drive them along an artificial dirt path. As you can imagine, there weren’t many shops, stores, or restaurants around us. However, only ten minutes away along highway 380 lived the locally famous restaurant Prairie House. Its rustic architecture bleeds from its exterior design and patio into its seating, tables, decorations, and bars. Here is where we often spent birthdays and had get-togethers. Despite the dim lighting, the soft country music, and the relaxing smell of barbecue, the atmosphere was always one to enjoy. I still think about their root beer floats, with root beer out of the bottle. I also think about the life-sized bear at the entrance, which scared me until I accidentally broke off a claw. Prairie House has always been one of my favorite buildings as well as one of my favorite places to eat. It is one of the things that has always drawn me back home.

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