The OU Clock Tower (Part 3)

Now, years later, I’m back walking the paths of OU and attending class in its halls. From time to time I will pass the clock tower and be reminded of where I started many years ago. At the same time I am reminded of where I am going. In the time since leaving OU in 2014, I have enlisted into the military, traveled across the country for training and leisure, and deployed around the world. I have found friendship, love, marriage, and new family. I have completed two Associates degrees (one from OCCC and one from the Community College of the Air Force), repaired my OU GPA, and now find myself less than a year from completing the bachelors that I set out to get in 2013. All along this journey, the OU Clock Tower keeps ticking, I think for me it is counting down, down to the moment I and many others walk under it for the first and last time on the way to graduation.

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