The Omni Hotel – Dallas, Texas

McKenzie Morgan

When I was a cheerleader back in high school, my team and I would compete all around the state of Texas. One of the most popular events took place at the Dallas convention center. When competing there, we would often stay at the Omni Hotel that is connected to the event. The Omni Hotel brings back many positive feelings and memories of the days I used to perform in front of crowds.

The Omni Hotel is one of the most popular buildings in the city of Dallas and is known for the LED lights on its glass exterior. The famous lights will often create pictures, shapes, and words. Its unique light show is what draws tourists’ attention to the building. While the outside of the building creates a sleek modern look, the inside’s unique architecture is designed to appear very luxurious and expensive. From the sharp curves of the wall to the rooftop pool, the Omni Hotel stands out from any other ordinary hotel in Dallas.

NCA on Twitter: "Goodnight from Dallas, Texas. See you next year ...
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