The Colosseum

I saw the colosseum on the same trip I saw Sagrada Familia and it was the other building I thought I should write about. The colosseum is one of those buildings thats I had seen countless videos and pictures that had to be seen in person. I was and still am a history nerd so to get to see not only the building itself but also learn about it’s history was fantastic. I can really see how it was the center of Rome for so long, as it is beautiful and imposing all at once. Even now it can take you back to a time when there must have been nothing like it in the world, and was the pinnacle of Roman construction. I also was really fortunate to be able to see the underside of the colosseum, which is home to a pulley system that replicates how they used to lift animals inside. There was not a single part of Italy that did not live up to the hype for me and the colosseum had to be at the top of my list. I really would like to go back one day and take my kids just so they can see a building and city with so much history within it.

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