I Have always been very interested in early United Sates History, in particular the Wild West. So naturally I have always had the desire to visit the Alamo but being the youngest of four I never had a say in where we went on family vacation. so one day I convinced my friends to take a trip to see this holy sight. I still remember driving past it and being captivated. This is a tangible link to one of the biggest stand taken Against Santa Anna. I could walk through doors that were once used by men like James Bowie, William Travis and Davy Crockett. the building had such a physical presence and you felt that you were on sacred ground. I could relate it to the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing site, a very humbling feeling. To feel that and experience history beyond page in a text book is significantly more meaningful.

“you may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.”

Davy Crockett

This song was a Ballad written about the siege of the Alamo famously recorded by Marty Robins.

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