Suzhou Museum (Suzhou, China)

The final design of Pei’s career was the Suzhou Museum, completed in 2006. It uses a combination of aesthetics traditional to the area, as well as Pei’s iconic use of glass and complex geometry. It is a modern interpretation of a traditional style of architecture. There is an atrium within the structure that allows natural light to flow in from above. The use of glass enhances the pond surrounding the museum, and is a beautiful building that overall enhances the natural environment. I really like this building, and I feel is one of the buildings that strays more from the style that Pei is typically known for as it makes use of those more traditional elements and interprets them in a more modern way. However, as you enter the structure the ceiling displays the instantly recognizable use of triangles that Pei uses throughout his designs, and the illusion it creates is very modern, but simultaneously a very comfortable space.

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