Super Cao Nguyen

Super Cao Nguyen is an Asian supermarket in the Oklahoma City Asian district. I still go to this place now when I’m in the city, but it’s special to me because my cousin, sister, and I would play around in the building next to it that was still a part of the supermarket. While this building was still considered Super Cao Nguyen, it had other little businesses in it, including a cafe, boba shop, and a place where Asian style sculptures were stored and sold. We would just hang out here while our parents were on the supermarket side. We played tag in the hallway and stairs that it had, since it was always empty, and carved our names into one of the cafe tables, which I’m pretty sure is still there. This was a regular weekly activity because going to the supermarket for groceries was a weekly thing, so we spent a lot of time here. Aside from us playing in the non-supermarket side of the building, we also played with the balls in the front of the building. We used to climb on top of them as kids, and our parents would get mad at us since it was so close to the street.

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