St. Thomas More

Saint Thomas More University Parish and Student Center, Norman [OK]

The second building that tugged at me to attend OU was St. Thomas More. Now, at the time, this building (in the picture) was just beginning to break ground. However, at the beginning of the Spring semester of this year (2020), I was able to step foot into this church for the first time. The artwork is absolutely fantastic – from faux tapestries to statues to paintings. The interior of the building really centralizes oneself to the altar – the centerpiece of Catholic worship. Every time I walk in, I am in awe of the beauty that I get to experience. Additionally, like my parish back at home, the experience of community is something that is irreplaceable. The building itself is a testament to the generosity of the people of Norman – costing $8 million and the parish only being $425k in debt today (~10 months after it opened).

Interior of St. Thomas More
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