St. Paul’s Cathedral

I had never been inside such a big church. The level of detail in every piece of the church is fantastic and amazing. I find it amazing how dedicated some people are to honoring their religion, and it is truly showcased in St. Paul’s Cathedral. I had read about the building of a cathedral in a book called “The Pillars of the Earth,” which was fictional, but still detailed every step of building a cathedral. From that book, I had known that cathedrals were built in the shape of a cross, but I had never actually seen it before. To be honest, I think it makes the building look a little awkward, but it doesn’t detract from the grandeur of the cathedral. There are also a lot of people in the tombs underneath the cathedral, which was kinda creepy, but every single one of them had a story attached. Many were veterans who died in one war or another. All in all, I will never forget touring St. Paul’s.

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