St. Basil’s Cathedral Moscow, Russia

Mike Pullin

Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow is a true work of beauty. I was fortunate enough to be able to visit Moscow in 1992 with a number of friends. The cathedral is located in Red Square which provides an interesting back drop to say the least. While there is always a lot of history both good and bad that is usually associated with old cathedrals or buildings, the most important thing about this structure for me is the time in my life that it represents. The Soviet Union had just recently collapsed and at the time it seemed like a lot of new possibilities were just on the horizon. The opportunity to travel there was out of left field but I took the leap of faith and it made a large difference in my life. The friendships and life lessons that I gained from that trip have been with me my entire life. The cathedral itself is amazing and we were lucky enough to tour the inside. It became sort of an unofficial symbol of our trip. If you ever get the chance I highly recommend it.

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