Sleuk Rith Institute

This institute is set to be built in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The design was accepted in 2014. “Sleuk Rith” means “the power of the leaves” because dried leaves have historically been used for the documentation of history. This building will be used as a museum, research center, and a graduate school, to name a few. The most important role this building will have is a genocide memorial structure. Zaha Hadid wanted to create a structure that strayed from the “distress-invoking” from the majority of existing memorials. She also wanted to emphasize Cambodia’s culture and traditions that will help bring the community closer together. 

The design is composed of five wooden structures that are separated at the ground level, but become intertwined as the structure gets taller. The buildings intertwining symbolizes growth and strength from the dark events that occurred. All of the buildings will have their own purpose and use. The building materials are sustainably sourced wood, which gives the structure a natural and warming effect.

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