Seerley Hall (UNI)

Being that I am a transfer student, you wouldn’t really expect me to blog about a building from my old school, but here I am. Seerley hall housed many of my general education courses throughout my first two years in school. So, I was there a lot, and I looked around, a lot. On the outside, this building looked super solid. The faces of the buildings were made of brick, and I believe concrete was used to the detailed designs you can see as well. The inside was like any other school hall you’ve been in, long halls lined with students waiting for their classes. But, in the basement where my exit/entrance was, the walls and floors were designed beautifully. The floor featured marble installments with artwork pasted all over the pale white walls. It was a pleasant room to be in, and it was a nice welcome into the building. The location of the building was my favorite part. As you enter campus at the University of Northern Iowa, it’s the first building you see. Although the other buildings across campus don’t come close to it, its an emblematic pice to the campus, and a building I will remember forever.

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