Sarkey’s Energy Center, University of oklahoma

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Sarkey’s Energy Center has stood tall since it was built in 1990. It is home to energy and research as well as the College of Earth and Energy. It seems to be of the younger of building found at the University of Oklahoma, and it just so happens to be where I had a class on my first ever day of college. This is not the most fond place to have a class according to most college students here at the university, but that is solely because of the walking distance between this building and the majority of class buildings. It was definitely a burden trying to get to Sarkey’s and back to my dorm. It has had a positive impact of my life, though. This is where I made my first friend in college. We are still close three years later. We were both lost, as many newcomers find themselves to be, and just so happened to be looking for the same classroom. This signifies the start of me find a community here at the University of Oklahoma that I resonated with the most. Over the years, I have met many people and have made very close friends, and this was just the beginning.

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