Sarkeys Energy Center

Construction on Sarkeys Energy Center was completed in 1991, making it the tallest building on OU’s campus. Throughout my years at OU, I have had a love-hate relationship with this building. My freshman year I absolutely hated it, mostly because my class schedule was set up in a way that meant I had to walk to and from the dorms to Sarkeys at least twice almost every day of the week. While this was a beating, I actually started to like the building itself and found it to be a good place to study. During my sophomore year, I lived at Calloway Apartments, which is about a five minute walk to Sarkeys. Because of this, I spent plenty of time here, either at the library, the coffee shop, or elsewhere. I always found it interesting that the roof over the lower levels of the building is covered in grass and walkways; very unique when compared with the rest of the buildings on campus.

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