Saint Elijah Greek Orthodox Church

My family has been attending this church since before I was even born, so I have had my entire life to really get all up in all the details and notice all the little things that the building has to offer. When you first drive up to the church, before even stepping out of your car, the first thing you will notice is the huge dome on the roof of the building. It is hard to see from the pictures I provided, but take my word for it, this dome is very large. It has always amazed me that this large dome is just able to sit there without us fearing it will collapse on top of us. Walking into the church, the first thing you will notice is that basically every window is completely made of stained glass. I was not able to get a picture of them, as the church has been closed since May due to COVID precautions, but during the day, when the light shines through them at just the right angles, it can be very pleasing to look at. And like the French cathedral in one of the videos we watched for our video reviews, each window tells a different story. As you walk further into the church, your eyes will be glued to the ceiling, which is completely covered in paintings of key stories from the Bible. There is not one inch of the ceiling not covered in some form of religious iconography, except for the beams which house the lighting. For those who have never experienced an Orthodox Church, it will definitely be a surprise seeing all the walls and ceiling covered in paintings. However, the more you look at it, the more beautiful it all seems. There is an overabundance of things to look at, and you could never get bored standing in that building. I grew up going to this church every Sunday. I have experienced many different life events in this building. I was baptized here, had my first communion, witnessed many weddings and funerals, served at the alter with the priest, made many friends, and so much more. This church is also only 5 minutes away from where my family lives, so we would never fail to drive by it at least once a day.

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