Rice University- Houston, TX

Jessica Liszewski

Blog Post 3

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/school/riceuniversity/?originalSubdomain=au

Before going into college, I attended a Pre-Medical camp that was housed by Rice University. The moment I stepped on to campus I was just in awe of the detail that went in to every building on the campus. I loved that they were all very similar and uniform with very specific landscaping. Although the buildings, dorms, and lecture halls seemed to be pretty old, they all had so much character that gave you a sense of being at home.

Source: https://todaysface.com/houston-tx/attractions/rice-university

Rice University is located in a heavily wooded 290 acre spot of land in the Museum District of Houston. It was founded in 1912 by Edgar Odell Lovett. When he first visited in 1907, he expressed a strong need for a large campus with uniform architecture. The school was developed in a Mediterranean Revival style with light brick facades, quadrangles, archways, and decorative columns.

Source: https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/rice-university-professor-helped-generate-crisprd-babies–65148

Source: Boles, John B. (2000). Edgar Odell Lovett and the Creation of Rice University. Houston: Rice Historical Society.

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