Reunion tower, dallas tx

I first visited the iconic Reunion Tower in 2008 with my family for a birthday dinner. Anyone who lives around Dallas knows of the Reunion Tower and has seen it if they are driving into the city. It is 561 feet tall with 50 floors. I was so excited to visit it and go to the top floor where the restaurant was that we ate at. The top floor has a 360° view of the entire city and the floor rotates all the way around to ensure a great view no matter what table you are sitting at. The tower also has lights on the exterior that change accordingly to match holidays, sporting events, current events, etc.

When I was at the top floor eating I could hardly even focus on my food because the view was so incredible and I remember just thinking to myself, “How did someone build this?” I still have yet to see a piece of work so unique and eye catching as the Reunion Tower!

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