Price College of Business

One of the most influential buildings on campus to me is Price College of Business. Coming to OU my freshman year, I thought it was interesting how the campus had a more traditional look throughout its buildings. However, this also intimidated me going into Price College for the first time. With its tall and professional structure, I felt stress and fear from outside the building. Seeing so many students studying in the lounge and the mass lecture classrooms in Price, I began to imagine myself studying for hours in the building and feared failure. Besides this negative feeling, Price began to impact me in a positive way as I got to meet new people and attend class with friends. The building also represents a safe place that I know I can go to and study or get help from professors/advisors. This building has impacted me in both positive and negative ways as it holds many great college memories of mine and has helped me learn and grow into the person I am today.

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