perot museum of nature and science

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]

From the time that I was little and lived in dallas, anytime my family and I drove past this building, I was at a loss for words how incredibly creative the architecture of this building was. The way that the escalator is encased in glass sloping upwards always was such a creative way to design a building. Rather than try to hide such a massive piece of machinery, the architect, Thom Mayne decided to make a spectacle of it. Only recently I realized that this was a science and nature museum, so it makes so much sense the way that this building was designed. Seeing the inside of the building with photos online, I felt a great sense of joy and amazement at how intricate this building really is. I hope one day to actually go inside and check out all the spectacles this building has to offer.

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