OU’s Physical Sciences Center

The Physical Sciences Center looming behind our state tree.

I doubt that I really noticed the Physical Sciences Center the first time I stepped foot inside it as I was probably hurrying to my next class on the first day of Freshman year. I think my disdain for the building has developed as a slow burn, but after four years I have come to really hate it. Not only does it have its own brand of brutalism that stands out against the rest of OU’s architecture, but, even if it was on its own, it really does belong on r/evilbuildings. I’ve probably had about half of my classes at the Physical Sciences Center, and, every time, I look up at the cornerless citadel and wonder what the person that designed it was really thinking, and why such wholesome studies as chemistry and mathematics would be sullied by such an ugly buliding.

For a lot of people, the Physical Sciences Center probably represents general chemistry, calculus, or some other required class that they disliked. For those people, it is probably a fitting visage, but I have had a lot of my favorite classes there, and I think it’s a shame that they had to take place in a building that would be genuinely at home at a prison.

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