OU Sarkeys Energy Center

Sarkeys Energy Center is to the Physical Science Center as Yang is to Yin. They have a similar monolith structure, but Sarkeys, at least to me, has a much more pleasing image. The building manages to maintain the common theme of the university while also being built like a sprawling castle, with moats, towers, and a giant keep. Its labyrinthine interior contains some of the coolest displays on campus.

I have had many classes in Sarkeys during my time at OU, and so I’ve spent a lot of time inside. As the geology building, It has underground labs, sawing at rock and producing horrible noise, while also having many beautiful rocks and fossils to look at as you wander, lost due to its horrible classroom organization scheme. some of the worst and best classes I’ve taken were there, and overall, I’d say Sarkeys has had a positive effect on me. This semester especially, you can appreciate the architecture more when there are so few people around.

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