OU- Norman

This school has many different buildings but as a whole I find joy in this school… well sometimes. This is the college I have been going to for 2 years now and at the end of this year I will have my bachelors degree from here. It is an amazing school and I have done and met some incredible people here however there are downfalls to this school. Their has been times I have felt so uncomfortable and judged at this school because my race isn’t the majority but i never let that stop me from why I came here in the first place. One of my favorite things about this school is the stadium and football games. That has been one of the funniest experiences in my time of being here at OU. Ive always came to OU football games even when I attended another college back in Texas but there is nothing like going o an OU football game and being a current student there. OU has gave me so many great friends and memories and I will forever be thankful for that!

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