OU Library (Great Reading Room)

Before transferring to OU before the Fall semester of 2019, I took a visit to campus that would forever change my path, and establish a new home. On that tour, on a hot day in early June, I can remember being so relieved at each stop of the tour, the air conditioning was a life saver. But, my senses were immediately altered as soon as I stepped foot into the Bizzell Library. As the tour continued, and I started learning more about the building, one thing stood out. It was built in there separate construction phases, and you cant totally tell! Each part of the library has a certain feeling of advancement to it. Yet, it still holds the sentimental value of what it was like back in the day, which i personally love to experience. On top of everything in that building though, sits the Great Reading Room. Never had I seen a room with such beauty, and such detail. It made me instantly think of Harry Potter, which I’m sure is a popular thought. The time that went into that room has to be astronomically high. The design, and installment of all the fixtures and details would be something to see. It changed my whole mindset about the library, and also gave the campus an authentic feel. This room is what really made me feel at home here at OU.

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