Onagawa Container Temporary Housing – SHIGERU BAN

Like the Cardboard Cathedral of New Zealand, the Onagawa Container Temporary Housing is built to help those impacted by natural disaster. As the name suggests, the buildings are constructed from many stacked shipping containers and there are a total of 9 buildings located in Onagawa, Japan. From the speaker Richard McKown and other sources, I’ve noticed that repurposing shipping containers is a widely used technique for quickly constructing buildings. From the exterior, my impression of these temporary buildings is that they appear to be very organized and use space efficiently to house many people without a lot of land. While the individual housing units are probably quite small for long-term living, the design seems to function well as temporary or emergency housing.

Photo & info source: https://www.world-architects.com/en/architecture-news/reviews/onagawa-container-temporary-housing

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