old red museum

Old Red Museum in Dallas, Texas

This beautiful red building was once the Dallas County Courthouse built back in the late 1800’s. It has since then been turned into a museum for those interested in learning about the history of Dallas. I grew up about 8 minutes away from the Old Red Museum and as a little girl, I called it the big red castle. My dad used to work downtown so, we often drove by this enchanting piece of architecture. I grew up proclaiming to my parents that I would someday get married in the big red castle then proceed to live in it someday afterword’s. Obviously that dream of mine will never come true considering it is a historical building. Looking at photos of the Old Red Museum now, I think I was so attracted to it because of its dark red stones, castle like features, the windows, and the clock tower. I have always been fascinated with historical building because they trigger my imagination as I wonder what went on in the buildings before they became historical monuments.

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