Oklahoma Joes

While it definitely doesn’t look like a whole lot this building has influenced me a lot. When driving in Kansas City any time make sure you try out Oklahoma Joe’s or now as it is called just Joe’s. Like stated earlier in a blog I traveled a lot with my grandparents and while driving through the KC area we were told to go to this great BBQ place and so we did and in doing so we waited for an hour and half to get our food. After we got through the door we looked around and could see the proof on the walls that we were getting good food, there was so many articles stating how many people had come and been blown away by this food. After trying this food from this building I had become obsessed with grilling out and trying to meet the same type of standard of food that many expected of this place. Little did I know that the BBQ from that would lead to so many more days of me trying to duplicate. To this day I can still see it in my mind and thinking how it wasn’t gonna be that good but coming to realize how to not judge the inside and what could come from a building that wasn’t up to my standards.

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