OKC Bombing Memorial

Like other Oklahoma natives the bombing memorial holds a special place in my heart. I have personal ties to both the bombing site and the museum building. My dad was actually in the Journal Record Building, which is now the memorial museum, when the bombing happened. This building is located directly next to where the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building once stood. When I think about the bombing, I always think of the destruction and chaos. However, the purposeful design of the memorial gives all visitors the chance to reflect and peacefully remember those we lost. Each aspect of the memorial grounds has a significant purpose and meaning, even the entrance gates have the thoughtful design of the minute before and after the bomb detonated. The memorial itself stands as a physical symbol of the Oklahoma standard, of helping and putting others before yourself. Even though this site was constructed because of such a tragic and grotesque act, it reminds Oklahomans and visitors that kindness can go much further than hate.

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