Naval air crew candidate school

Naval Air Crew Candidate Schoolhouse in Pensacola, Florida.

This building was a hugely positive influence on me. I attended training here right after bootcamp from August-October in 2013 for my job as a Naval Aircrewman. It was one of the most physically demanding times in my life. We woke up at 4am, we ran 5-10 miles a day, we swam for 2-3 hours in the afternoons, we did other workouts in-between everything, and we kept the building spotless as well. I was taught how to be disciplined and determined here. I would walk out of those doors with so much pride and feelings of accomplishment each day. People who didn’t train here looked at us with envy because of how elite it seemed. I will forever look at this building with my head held high, and remember what it felt like to walked to those halls!

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