National Weather Center

National Weather Center, Norman [OK]

When I came to visit the University of Oklahoma, I really enjoyed it. I knew it had one of the best meteorology programs in the nation. What sealed the deal – made Oklahoma my #1 college choice – was the National Weather Center. The sheer size of the building is awesome (see image, below). It has a built-in storm shelter, Science on a Sphere, the beloved O-deck, and live weather information on nearly every wall. It houses multiple mobile radars, the Storm Prediction Center, and Dorothy from the movie Twister. This building is the epitome of any weather enthusiast. The building doesn’t just mean a lot to me, it means a lot to this University and the U.S. Government. The joint venture is what makes the NWC such a meaningful location on campus. It also makes me feel cool whenever I walk past the security desk.

National Weather Center. Science on a Sphere (center); Dorothy (right). Normal-height floors would begin at the platform (left) but stairs continue due to data cables transmitting information worldwide.
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