My House

The pictures above are of the house that I am currently living in, and I’m not sure if it is easy to tell from the satellite image, but I live in a hexagon. The roof belies the actual shape of the house, which, I promise, is a perfect hexagon. I am renting the house with three other roommates right now for $2000 a month (split four ways), and my landlord, who is a very nice old lady, tells me that the house was designed and built by OU’s dean of architecture in the late 50’s and early 60’s. I have no way of corroborating that information, but it sounds pretty neat, so I included it.

The house has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and no hallways. The no hallways part sounds kind of weird, but you walk in the door and it’s true; there are just doorways connecting all of the rooms. The kitchen lies at the center of the house and is a smaller, nested hexagon with a taller roof segment letting in light and six doors leading out of it. It’s pretty easy to get turned around and forget where you are if you don’t keep track of all of the doors.

As a consequence of living in a hexagon, the angles in my room are very strange. I share a bathroom with another roommate, but, closet and bathroom excluded, my room is shaped like a trapezoid, so you can probably picture the angles. It’s a really cool place, and I highly doubt that whatever rental I move to next will stand up to it.

I won’t miss the electricals, though; the lights flicker when the fridge kicks on.

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