Morrison Academy

My last two years of high school were spent in Taiwan. Everyone was so friendly there and I think the layout of the school I attended reflected that. The entrance to the Morrison Academy in Taichung was 30 feet of glass that welcomed visitors and student. There was always someone sitting near the double doors to sign-in people. The set of doors facing the parking lot and the set facing the interior plaza were always kept open and the breeze blew through. Only class rooms and offices were actually inside; every “hallway” was actually outside with a covering. These “hallways” all lead to the plaza so that everyone would pass through the plaza on their way to another part of the campus. Students could sit under the shade of the trees in the plaza for conversation or to relax. It was also a great place for school events. I always felt like the campus was for more than just school and extra-curriculars; The plaza encouraged students and other people to join together in conversation and other activities. I always miss Taiwan and the way it was welcoming like the giant open entrance to Morrison Academy. Many fond memories of sports, projects, parties, and friends.

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