
Masada, the ancient desert fortress overlooking the Dead Sea south of Jerusalem.

Just south of Jerusalem is one of the coolest sites that I have ever seen in my life. Built by Herod the Great between 37 and 31 BCE it sits atop a plateau overlooking the Dead Sea and was fortified to survive attacks from Roman soldiers. The remains of the fortress on the top of the plateau was built with amazing thought including curved ceilings for the steam room so that water did not condensate on the ceiling and a caldarium which is a bath room that could be heated through the floor to offer warm water to clean off in. Even the food warehouse was built with a drain in the olive oil room to catch any olive oil that was spilled or if a vase was broken. Walking through the ruins there was a feeling of being on top of the world able to overlook the entire landscape around you. Anyone who has the opportunity should absolutely visit the site to take in the views of the mountains, deserts with flash flood channels cut through, and the wonderful sight of the Dead Sea in the distance.

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