Lottie Jane Mabee

This is Lottie Jane Mabee Hall. I know what a name for a building right? Well a little bit of backstory about me is that I actually attended the University of Tulsa for my first semester of college. This was my dorm building. There is also a twin building across the green called John Mabee. The Mabee’s donated the money for the buildings to show their love for each other.  Even though I was only living in this building for a few months this place influenced me in many ways, both positive and negative.   When I was living here it was my first time living completely on my own, away from my family. There were so many things that were different, having to make sure I had food and water stocked up periodically, having to do my own laundry, having an RA come do room checks, having to find parking all the time, random fire alarms always going off, and having to share a bathroom with complete strangers. However, this building also taught me some life lessons and helped me truly realize what Independence is like. Without Lottie Jane I wouldn’t have grown into the person I am today. The building is a Gothic style of architecture and houses 234 women.  It is the oldest dorm building at the University of Tulsa. 

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