Mi Tierra, San Antonio, TX

Mi Tierra is a restaurant in San Antonio that I went to in November 2018. It was my first time being in San Antonio.
The inside of the building was what really left an impression on me. The decorations were so shiny and plentiful, it played into the bustling scene very well.

I grew up in a small town right outside of a college city in South Carolina. During my time at OU, so many things have really felt like home. During my trip to San Antonio, on the other hand, I experienced a bit of a culture shock. I remember this building in particular sticking out to me. When I saw it from the outside, it looked nice. But when I walked inside, the interior design is what made me say “wow.” There was a huge lobby area that made me feel like I was about to party rather than dine. Colorful, arched walls separated the huge lobby from the dining areas. This was unlike any restaurant that I’d been too in South Carolina. I really enjoyed the festive atmosphere, and getting to experience the different culture of San Antonio through food and architecture.

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