Jut Interior

Jut Interior, www.mvrdv.nl/media/uploads/Jut_Hall_with_chairs_2(1).jpg?width=1920.

The Jut lecture hall was built in Taipei in 2017, to represent a greener landscape inside the building. This is something quite different to the normal paint job, where the whole room is actually lined in a variety of textiles which took over a year to complete. The hyper urban environment of Taipei needs more rooms like this throughout their buildings. It gives of a naturalistic vibe without actually using real nature.

I would personally prefer if there were a few changes made to this room however. I believe their should be a better use of natural light, It would bring a good aspect to the space and make you feel more outdoors. I also think their could have been more distinct images within the textiles. It would give it more of an oomph to have an accent wall or structural piece.

I do love that they allowed an artist to create the space, instead of normal painting. If more spaces allowed for artists to put their spin on different spaces through buildings then we would come up with objectively more diverse spaces, that represent the local community around them better.

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