Japanese Pavilion for Expo 2000 – Frei Otto

The interior of the pavilion

The Japanese pavilion was a collaborative design between Shigeru Ban, Frei Otto, and Buro Happold for Expo 2000, the World Expo held in Hanover, Germany. One of the themes of the expo was the environment. Shigeru Ban was already renowned for his structures made from recycled paper material, so of course it made sense to implement this into the Japanese Expo. Cardboard tubes form the majority of the structure, with polyester strips tying them together and timber ladder elements throughout acting as braces. All of these components can easily be seen on the ceiling from the inside, giving it an almost unfinished look. However, again considering the fact that the Expo theme was the environment, we can look at this again and think about how all of the building materials were sustainably sourced, and how they can be easily recycled after the temporary expo site is taken down.

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